Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Green Screen work

Green Screen Image~~~
So first I took this photo in the morning of some fall day... back before the snow fell. XD
I touched it up a bit and then took the green screen photo.
Exctracting the file properly and getting it cropped right took a while, but it turned out really well.
I softened up the image around the edges to make it look more natural.
Then i made my eyes bluer cause I wanted to. lol.
Flattened the image and saved it. TADAH! GREEN SCREEN STUFF! ^^

Friday, November 5, 2010

Booklet Theme

By booklet's theme is going to be Anime and Manga.
I want to incorporate that in to every one of my photos. (weather it be a costume or a pose, or an item of some sort)
I realize this is a broad theme, but i dont want to just focus in on figure photography. (But i DO want to do some)

~How do I set up figures in an interesting manner, even if they do not have movable limbs?
~How do I make it look like the figures are interacting?
~How would I take intersting pictures of myself using the timer function, and still make sure they look good and don't cut things off(if i don't want it to)?
~How do i go about taking a figure photo and not making it look staged?(i don't want a white backdrop please!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Self Makeover

took the picture(Mr.Tonn did anyways)
It was 1-2 light.
Then in photoshop, I used the protocols and then turned the image grayscale. Then i created a new layer and blurred that one. then used the erase tool (on 30% opacity) to bring back in the details of the hair, eyes, lips and eyebrows.